Hardware Requirements - VinylStudio for Windows
VinylStudio for Windows has the following hardware requirements:
- PC running Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 (including 64 bit)
- 500Mhz Pentium III or faster CPU (800Mhz for Windows Vista and Windows 7)
- 256MB or more RAM (512MB for Windows Vista and Windows 7)
- about 500MB (1/2 GB) disk space per album you plan to record
If you would like help connecting up your turntable, please click here. USB turntables are fully supported.
Hardware Requirements - VinylStudio for Macintosh
VinylStudio for Macintosh has the following hardware and software requirements:
- Power-PC based Power Mac with a 1GHz G4 Processor or better
- or - - Any Intel-based Macintosh (Universal binary)
- 512MB or more memory
- OS X 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- about 500MB (1/2 GB) disk space per album you plan to record
Windows 2000 Users
If you are running Windows 2000, you will need to download an additional file, gdiplus.dll. Download this file *after* installing VinylStudio and save it to folder:
X: Program Files VinylStudioWhere X: is the drive containing your Windows installation (normally drive C:)
You should also download and install Windows Media Player 9, if you haven't already done so.
Please note that our support for Windows 2000 is now on a 'best effort' basis.
Software and website Copyright AlpineSoft, 2024.