Scan for Track Breaks

Scan for Track Breaks

Once you have recorded an album (both sides), you can scan it for track breaks. This can be useful when Lookup Track Listing has failed to find a match or when no track times are available.

VinylStudio can also adjust your existing track breaks (including those found by Lookup Track Listing) if these are not in quite the right place. This is more accurate than scanning from scratch, and you can also insert track breaks manually.

To scan for track breaks from scratch, go to the Split Tracks window, click Scan for Track Breaks, and then Scan.

To adjust your existing track breaks to fit the gaps in the music, go to the Split Tracks window, click Scan for Track Breaks, and then Adjust.

Results will vary depending on the type of the music.

You can also adjust your track breaks by moving them manually (it helps to zoom in for greater precision), and if you don't like the results you get, use Undo () and then try adjusting the scan settings to better suit what you are scanning.

Settings you can change are:

Threshold level start: the minimum sound level that VinylStudio will interpret as the start of a track.

Threshold level end: the maximum sound level that VinylStudio will interpret as the end of a track.

Leadin: increasing this will move the green start-of-track markers further to the left (if there is room).

Leadout: increasing this will move the red start-of-track markers further to the right (if there is room).

Minimum gap length: the smallest section of silence (or near silence) that VinylStudio will interpret as a gap between tracks. Gaps shorter than this are ignored.

Minimum track length: any tracks detected that are shorter then this are ignored.

Automatic indent: VinylStudio will automatically advance the first green start-of-track marker by this amount at the start of each album side before scanning.

Adjustment range: When adjusting existing track breaks, VinylStudio will look this far either side of the current position of each track break for a gap in the music.