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Technical Support / Re: Possible bug in latest ver...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - October 31, 2024, 07:38:56 PM
Hmmm, can't reproduce this.  Could you send me a screenshot of the Split Tracks window please, zoomed out all the way and with all the album sides visible in the yellow box.

You can send it here:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk

To take a screenshot:

1.  Click on the window you wish to capture.

2.  Press Alt + Print Screen.
3.  In your email program, press Ctrl+V or select Paste from the Edit menu.

Then send us the email and I will take a look and get back to you.

Technical Support / Re: Possible bug in latest ver...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - October 28, 2024, 10:45:17 AM
OK, I'll take a look, thanks,
Technical Support / Re: Possible bug in latest ver...
Last post by emg456 - October 27, 2024, 11:12:39 AM
Thanks Paul.
#1 - you are correct - I was using the ASIO driver for my audio intrface. When I switched over to windows audio I got nothing from it. My system seemed to have got its audio drivers in a mess and after much wrangling I think I've sorted out now certainly as far as Windows audio is concerned.

#2 Yes- it jumps to the final track break. On testing just now, if I'm using the 5 sec playback button, I can click the cursor back to one of the previous tracks and VS will play the last 5 seconds of that track and continue the pattern from there UNLESS I click anywhere in the last 4 tracks. If I click there, it will jump to the final track break.
Technical Support / Re: Possible bug in latest ver...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - October 26, 2024, 11:41:49 PM

Re #1, we haven't changed anything.  Changing the 'Host' setting in VinylStudio's Change Playback Device dialog to WASAPI Shared (or, failing that, MME / WAVE) might help.

Re #2, when you say "the cursor will often just jump to the last track break", do you mean "final track break"?  Thanks.
Technical Support / Possible bug in latest version...
Last post by emg456 - October 26, 2024, 03:28:22 PM
Have just recorded my 1st album using the newest version of VS Running on Win 11 Pro 23H2.

I like to have the running order of the album exactly as it is on the vinyl including the gaps. Accordingly my green/red track markers are always together except between sides for example.

In the new version, when I place or adjust the marker and then play from that point, the audio always seems to start with a very quick burst of something- even if the cursor or track marker is at a place of silence. This makes it difficult to fine tune the marker positions, particularly when tracks are merging into one another and you maybe want the new track to start exactly at or immediately before a transient- say drum beat or something. There will always be a little blip at the start of playback. It's as if the audio buffer is not fully cleared before playback and when play is clicked whatever was still in it is played first.

Pretty sure the previous versions did not have this issue.

While I'm here I may as well report another one which has been in all the previous versions I have tried.

Again in the split tracks window, if you choose the 5 seconds playback button which will play the last 5 seconds of one track followed by the first 5 seconds of the next track etc. etc. If you stop play back to adjust one of the track breaks and then move the cursor back into the previous track to check that break again, the cursor will often just jump to the last track break instead. Again quite annoying if you're particular about exactly where you'd like your track breaks to be.

Great software still- it's making what could easily be a massive chore into something a bit more enjoyable- thanks.
Technical Support / Re: VinylStudio applying RIAA ...
Last post by vinylschminyl - October 10, 2024, 10:21:03 PM
Thank you for that!  :)
Technical Support / Re: VinylStudio applying RIAA ...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - October 10, 2024, 09:49:45 PM

This is just a note to say that we did in the end discover the cause of this and will fix it in V15.0.1, due out shortly.  You can then save your tracks again to get the corrected curve.
Technical Support / Re: Software Registration Duri...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - September 30, 2024, 07:21:49 PM
Got it and replied, thank you.
Technical Support / Re: Software Registration Duri...
Last post by Indy33 - September 30, 2024, 07:07:59 PM
Sent email.

Using Windows 10
Technical Support / Re: Software Registration Duri...
Last post by Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft) - September 30, 2024, 10:17:00 AM
Odd, it's working here and we have no other reports.

Can you email me a screenshot of VinylStudio's About box please?  You can send it here:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk

I will then take a look and get back to you,