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Renaming Album and Tracks

Started by Indy33, August 02, 2024, 08:38:44 PM

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I mistakenly created an album for the wrong disk. I figured out how to load the correct Discogs ID which renamed all the tracks. The track breaks were correct so I didn't have to move those.

The problem is with the Windows 10 folder names, Honky Chateau should be Elton John (self titled album). How do I fix this?

E:\VinylStudio Music\Recordings\Elton John\Honky Château

Below is the correct path.

E:\VinylStudio Music\Recordings\Elton John\Elton John

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


You can rename the album in the Edit Album Details dialog.  Then save your tracks again (you might need to delete the old ones manually).

Does that answer your question?


Yes, that worked great.

