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Rename File/Side Number

Started by dweinberg, November 11, 2019, 10:11:19 PM

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From time to time, I will need to abort recording an album and start the side over again. This is typically due to when the stylus does not land on the record at the right spot, the recording level is not set properly, etc. When that happens, I sometimes forget to delete the now recorded aborted side (File 4 in the attached), and inadvertently re-recorded that side as the incorrect side/file number (File 5 in the attached).

After deleting the aborted side (File 4), how do I go about renaming the correct re-recorded side (from File 5 to File 4)? Is that done by renaming it in Finder (macOS)?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

If they're in the wrong order, you can just drag them around in the list.

If the sequence goes 1, 2, 3, 5, it doesn't really matter.  VinylStudio won't care about the 'missing' side.

If the sequence is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and you want to get rid of side 4, just delete it.
