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Compensating for channel differences?

Started by bjornvinyl, October 07, 2018, 10:40:37 PM

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Hi, I have a cartridge with a balance making the right channel slightly louder (1-2dB). Even though this is not a big deal, it would be perfect to compensate for this when I normalise the album. I have seen the option "Normalise left and right channel separately", but I want a correction, specified as a number, to be applied to all album sides regardless of the musical content. Is this possible today and if not could this feature be added in the future? Best regards

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


The way to do this is to set up a filter preset with the preamp sliders adjusted appropriately.  You can then apply this preset as a default for all new recordings via Menu -> Cleanup Audio -> Set Default Filter Settings and Equalisation Curves.


Thanks for a quick reply. I have made a preset with -1 dB correction of the right channel and set is a default as described. How can I see that the correction is applied? If I normalise will it then be added to the corrections computed by the normalisation? Best regards

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


To see if the compensation has been applied you can just go look at the preamp sliders.  Normalisation will override any existing setting.


Hi, Thank you. Now I understand what is available. I still think that combining normalisation with a fixed correction of the channel balance would be a useful feature. The intuitive place to put it (at least to me) would be in the normalisation dialog. What do you think?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Oh, well.  In the latest version at least, VinylStudio already does this.  It's the box entitled 'Normalise each channel separately'.  We have made the prompt clearer in the latest Beta.  Download links are here: