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Any way to have VS open on second monitor?

Started by emg456, June 06, 2024, 10:58:40 AM

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Windows 11 running VinylStudio on a Surface Pro4.

It always opens up on the primary display which is the small tablet screen. I always drag it across to the big desktop monitor but it doesn't seem to recall that screen position when next started.

Some software just seems to remember where it was- like Notepad, for example.

Others- Blender, Cubase etc.- you can save a preferences file that will make this happen. In all those cases, if the Surface is not connected with the external display, they revert to starting on the primary display again.

Not a dealbreaker obviously but would be nice.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

I don't have two monitors currently, I'll add this to my to do list.


Thanks for that.
I should have mentioned also that if any software is running on the second screen while the tablet is disconnected, they all jump over to the primary screen- I presume it's the OS that handles that.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

I imagine so - it's a long time since I had a second monitor connected and I'm not sure I ever tested that anyway.


This is fixed in V14.1.1

Many Thanks