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recordings suddenly started sounding weird

Started by arnierob, February 11, 2025, 08:38:42 PM

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Hello, ive been using vinyl studio for several years, but now i get something weird in my recordings, i havenĀ“t changed anything on my soundcard or vinyl studio settings, if someone could helo i would be very thankful!

i have a macbook air, m1 2020, apollo twin x and a focusrite 2i2 3rd and 4th gen, (i have teste them all and none of them are working, i get the same results), pioneer plx 1000 with rubber mats, ortofon golds, mixer mastersounds 4V.

soundcard is connected through rec out of the mixer and inputed on the soundcard, cables are RCA to p10 (balanced), its the same setup i have used for 4 years straight and now i have this recordings which im sending the link below

please SOS!!!

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Odd, it sounds terrible.  How does it sound when you click 'Play Recording' in VinylStudio's Record window?  That bypasses any audio cleanup that you might have (inadvertently) applied.


same as above, i made sure i saved original audio, also i can even get to -3db as i used to record before, in audacity works great, but vinyl studio wont, i didnt want to change to audacity since im used to vinyl studio


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Thanks for the info.  I would check that you haven't (inadvertently!) enabled recording equalisation in VinylStudio's Check Level dialog.  You might need to expand the lower section of the dialog to see it.


you mean in the cleanup audio tab and graphic equalisation?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

No, in the Check Level dialog (you can do it in there, too).

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Hmmm, OK.  How does it sound when you monitor a recording in the Check Level dialog?  Does it sound distorted then?


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

OK, thanks.  Maybe there's a problem on the input side of your FocusRite(s), have you investigated that?


my focusrite 4th gen is brand new i bought it 2 days ago to try to fix this, so probably is not it. i bought just to try a new one that i thought the UA apollo twin x was the problem, but i guess its not =(


in december i had the same setup and it was working... maybe vinyl studio is not compatible with the latest mac os update of sequoia?


i had a surgery in january so i wasnt digitizing my collection, when i went back to it i had this little surprise

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Can you try feeding the FocusRite from a different, known good audio source?  VinylStudio runs fine on Sequoia.