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Unable to set recording level with Linestreamer plus

Started by pieters, March 28, 2014, 03:10:46 PM

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Have just recorded my first LP with Vinylstudio and had an excellent experience with one little problem.
In the check level window, when I move the slider to change the volume,  it just pops  back to the top of the control.  The volume bars move up and down with the music, but never hit a red zone to indicate clipping.  [The "set digital gain to 1" button is not shown on the window.]
My equipment is Technics SL-3200 turntable to Adcom GFP-555II preamp, record out to HRT Linestreamer plus, shielded USB cable to HP Win 7 laptop USB 2 port.  The Adcom inlcudes a phone pream stage.
The Adcom manual says that output at record out is not affected by volume or  any other controls on preamp.
The Linestreamer plus contains no controls whatsoever.
The recording I made is excellent in all respects, but low volume requires my turning up the gain on my system more than usual.  I would prefer to record at a slightly higher level.
1. With the Vinylstudio volume slider at the top of the control, is the volume at 100%? 
2. What is preventing me from setting the slider to other levels?
3. Why does the "set digital gain to 1" button not appear?


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Can you please contact HRT about this?  You might need a driver or firmware update.  You can contact them here:

Please note also that you can boost the playback level after recording via the Normalise button in VinylStudio's Graphic Equaliser dialog.  You reach this via the 'Adjust Filter Settings' button in the toolbar beneath the waveform display in the Cleanup Audio window.


Hi Paul!
  It turns out, the Linestreamer + is another ADC with no volume control.  The volume I am getting is a bit low, but not tragically so.  If I have problems, I will follow your suggestion to use the "normalize" function.

  In all other respects, the combination Linestreamer + and Vinylstudio is a winner for me. 

  Thanks for an excellent piece of software.

--Pieter Strauss

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

OK, thanks.  They should disable the level control in that case, as other such devices do.