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Vinyl Studio hang on input change

Started by joebee53, December 28, 2010, 07:44:26 PM

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I am using a T.C. Konnekt 6 firewire interface and have been for almost a year with VS and no problems. This just starting happening when I updated the T.C. driver recently - Vinyl Studio defaults to the built in mic and when I change the input to the T.C. , VS hangs with a spinning beach ball and I have to force quit the app. Running a MacBook Pro, 10.6.5, 4gb ram. Any ideas?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Can you capture an Activity Monitor trace for me please?  This will tell me what VinylStudio is waiting for.  To do this, get nylStudio into it's 'hung' state and then:

1.  From the Finder menu, select Go -> Utilities.

2.  Launch the Activity Monitor application.

3.  Select VinylStudio in the list of programs in the window (these are all the programs running on your machine, including daemons and suchlike, in case that is of interest).

4.  Click 'Sample Process' (in the toolbar).

5.  After a few seconds, a window entitled 'Sample of VinylStudio' should open.  In that window, click 'Save'.

6.  Save the file (it goes in your documents folder, I think, by default) and then email it to me.

Please send the file to:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT do DOT uk

Thank you.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

OK, I got the file, thanks.  Where did you get those updated drivers from?  And do they work with any other recording software?  VinylStudio is waiting for something called the IOProc to run, and it never does.  That's all the trace tells me, but I can take it up with Apple if no other solution suggests itself.

PS: You might also try posting a question here: