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Genre listing

Started by rbjozzi, June 29, 2013, 02:18:45 PM

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I inadvertently entered the genre Rock as Rook. I corrected the error but the word Rook is still in the drop down list. Is there a way to amend the list?
This is my first post after laying down a dozen LPs. The program is very easy to use, I wish I had come across it ages ago. Congrats for the good software.

Regards Robin

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


No, sorry, the list remembers the last 10 or so Genres you have used.  Short of editing the registry (which is hard work), you can't change it.  As you use / enter more Genres, it will slide down the list and eventually drop off the bottom.


Thanks Paul

I will persevere.

Regards Robin