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Transferring recording from vs to itunes

Started by astroman, March 30, 2014, 11:43:09 AM

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Good morning.I have been transferring lp and tape via vinylsoft to itunes without any problems.However this morning after transferring a prerecorded tape I went back to vinyl.It records into vs ok,checked by monitoring the is fine through track splitting and clean up.I then transfer to  itunes,and the result is very low level and horrendous distortion.My equipment consists of garrard deck grado cartridge,trichord dino preamp and fubar A2D converter. I have so far transferred 50 lp's without is macmini.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Strange.  What file format are you saving to for iTunes please?  Is it AAC?  Could you send me a screenshot of the AAC File Options dialog please?  You can reach that from the Preferences dialog.  To take a screenshot:

1.  Press Cmd-Shift-4

2.  Press the spacebar (cursor changes to a camera icon)

3.  Click on the Window you wish to save

4.  Email me the screenshot file that appears on the desktop.

Also, does iTunes still correctly play the tracks you saved before this problem occurred, and can you play the offending tracks in other players,  e.g. VLC or one of the options mentioned here:



Hello Paul,
                 Yes iTunes still plays all the other tracks,including a tape transfer from this morning.It is only transfers of vinyl that gives problems.The format i normally use is ALAC,but i have just tried AAC with the same result ,i.e. very low volume and much distortion.
hope this is ok/Users/barbarabaylis/Desktop/Screen Shot 2014-03-30 at 14.54.44.png

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


OK, thanks.  Can you email me please:

  - an example saved track
  - that screenshot file

You can send them to:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT ok
