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New User w/?s

Started by romad, January 05, 2014, 07:09:38 AM

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I just tried out Vinyl Studio on some cassette tapes. However, there is an explanation in the abbreviated online help files of the following file extensions: .wfd, .wfo, .wfs, and .wft  Which one should I select to export, work on, etc.?

Also, I tried to load a saved Hiss filter setting for a project, but I was told I had to create a new sample first. Why is that?

I'd prefer to have a good PDF User Guide rather than the skimpy online help guide that requires me to use a second computer to read it while I'm working on a project; any chance of getting one?

I was trying to find out how to delete a complete recorded track; you can delete track data, but not the recorded track itself?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


The .wft, .wfd, .wfo and .wfs files are files used by VinylStudio to generate its waveform display.  You can ignore them (but don't delete them).  If you want to export a file, go to the Cleanup Audio window and select 'Save a Copy' from the Album Side menu.  You probably want to choose 'Elsewhere' as the destination as this will let you save the file in a location of your own choosing.  But you don't need to export a file to work on it in within VinylStudio.  Just use whichever of the audio cleanup tools you want to use and the changes will be applied when you save your tracks.

The hiss filter needs a noise sample in order to be able to operate effectively.  Otherwise, it doesn't know what is noise and what is music.

We are working on a PDF.  Are you on a Mac?  The Mac's help viewer is not ideal, it's true, but you shouldn't need a second computer to read it.

The easiest way to delete a track is to tell VinylStudio not to save it when it saves your tracks.  You can do this via the 'Ediot Track Details' button in the Split Tracks window - and then uncheck 'Include in saved tracks'.


Yes, I use Mac OS. I'm sure a good online help could be written for Mac OS, but I find ALL online help hard to use unless you have multiple monitors or computers (which I don't).

As for the Hiss filter, I thought that was the reason for saving a sample: to load it rather then having to create a new sample? If you can't load it, then why be able to save it in the first place? Very confusing.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


The problem with the Mac OS Help viewer is that it insists on being in front of all other windows.  Apple introduced this in Snow Leopard and it was a big step backward IMO.

With regard to saving noise sample files, you're right, it is not obvious how to proceed and there is an unnecessary extra step.  We will fix this.  What you can do however is to define a preset in the Filter Settings dialog once you have saved the noise sample file and you can then use that preset for subsequent recordings.


Hi, just a quick note about the Mac Help Viewer. If you apply the follwing in the Terminal.

defaults write DevMode -bool true

Then the Help Viewer window will behave as a normal window. For more info see e.g.

Best regards

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Ah yes, that's a good trick, thank you.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

FYI, there are now PDF's for the Windows and Mac help files on our website.  Look for the links in the sidebar.
