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Sending Vinyl Studio files to iTunes

Started by audionote, October 11, 2014, 04:48:01 PM

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I am having trouble doing this. I looked at the manual and searched the forum and can't find specific instructions. Sorry, I know it's a very basic question, but I am new to both Vinyl Studio and iTunes. If you have a link to a description of how best to do this that would be great. Thanks!

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Thank you.  You need to tell iTunes to import the saved files.  iTunes can import files from a folder, so after you have saved your tracks you can tell iTunes to import the tracks from the folder VinylStudio saved them to by invoking Add Folder to Library from iTunes' File menu.

To determine the folder VinylStudio saves your tracks to, visit VinylStudio's Settings dialog (Menu ->Options -> Settings).

There's also a litle gizmo called iTunes Folder Watch which can monitor folders for changes:

Please note that although the site doesn't say anything about paying, this is not free.  It costs, I believe 7.5 euros.