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Truncating Overly Long Recordings on a Mac [RESOLVED]

Started by casino, January 30, 2010, 02:08:23 AM

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Tried to put this throught as a support email but your mail server was rejecting.

OS 10.6.2 Intel mac

Tried to use the truncating overly long recording and expected to delete all to the right of the cursor ie black triangle but appeared to delete all to the right of the cursor and some to the left, be it a period of time earlier.  Sometimes two songs, sometimes 1 minute  earlier.  Lost all my work so tried to replicate and truncating does it consistently to the left as well. Even if the cursor is at the end of the album it deletes a period of music to the left.  

The only difference I have from a vanilla setup is I am saving my collection to a striped raid volume created with apples disk utility from two 250Gb harddisks.

Have I misinterpreted or is this a major bug?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

No, you haven't misinterpreted anything.  I will check it out and post back here.  Sorry you lost your work.  Are you recording to WAV or MP3 format please?  I don't think your hard disk setup is relevant.


I checked it out and I can't find a problem.  Perhaps you could also confirm the samplerate and bit depth you are recording at.  I tested both MP3 and WAV at 44/16 and all is well.

Another possibility is that you are using right-click to access the menu.  That will move the cursor to wherever you clicked and might explain the problem.  It is safer to click on the little button top-right of the waveform display (Mac) or select use the Cleanup Audio menu (Win).  We will review whether we can make this operation a little safer!


A slightly odd capture 44kHZ 24 bit.  Saving using the default every 5 mins to wave

I was not right clicking.  I set the selection point and then used the menu.

I noticed the tracks in the troublesome file had been saved in two places

a. on the raid as I had setup the program,
b. on the startup hard drive (not by me).  Is this a temp file?

I had not closed the file with Truncating issues before it gave this problem.

The mac is stable and no other programs are giving issues.

Two Issue with filters.  After working for about two hours I've just had a freeze in the filters window, unable to close it.  Was eventually able to return to the main window and exit using the menus without  having to resort to force quit.  
After shutting down the program i was able to relaunch.  I've been having an issue with manually set filters losing their positional details.   I had successfully set up nine filters between tracks which applied a noise suppression filter but after a number of opening and closing of the filters window some of these filters would lose their positional info saying "to be applied to whole track etc".  When I selected them some would show the correct "yellowed" selection area even thought the description was wrong but eventually they would all lose their positional info and the yellowed selection area would disappear so the filters in between the first and last filter would say they are applying to the whole file,  not what I am after.

Am I doing something incorrectly?


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Quote from: casino on January 30, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
A slightly odd capture 44kHZ 24 bit.  Saving using the default every 5 mins to wave

Ah yes, you're right, there is a bug there at higher bit depths., thank you.  We will fix it.

Quote from: casino on January 30, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
I noticed the tracks in the troublesome file had been saved in two places

a. on the raid as I had setup the program,
b. on the startup hard drive (not by me).  Is this a temp file?

No, it shouldn't be.  Can you tell me the names of the files and their locations please?

Quote from: casino on January 30, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
Two Issue with filters.  After working for about two hours I've just had a freeze in the filters window, unable to close it.  Was eventually able to return to the main window and exit using the menus without  having to resort to force quit. After shutting down the program i was able to relaunch.

OK, if VinylStudio freezes again (under any circumstances) there's a way you can get a report back to us which will tell us where it is getting stuck.  While VinylStudio is frozen, please proceed as follows:

1.  From the Finder menu, select Go -> Utilities.

2.  Launch the Activity Monitor application.

3.  Select VinylStudio in the list of programs in the window (these are all the programs running on your machine, including daemons and suchlike, in case that is of interest).

4.  Click Sample Process (in the toolbar).

5.  After a few seconds, a window entitled 'Sample of VinylStudio' should open.  In that window, click 'Save'.

6.  Save the file (it goes in your documents folder, I think, by default) and then email it to me

                    p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk

Quote from: casino on January 30, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
I've been having an issue with manually set filters losing their positional details.   I had successfully set up nine filters between tracks which applied a noise suppression filter but after a number of opening and closing of the filters window some of these filters would lose their positional info saying "to be applied to whole track etc".  When I selected them some would show the correct "yellowed" selection area even thought the description was wrong but eventually they would all lose their positional info and the yellowed selection area would disappear so the filters in between the first and last filter would say they are applying to the whole file,  not what I am after.

OK, it's possible there is a bug in this area, it's not a heavily-used feature.  I will try and reproduce the problem here, given the information you have provided.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Hello again,

Just to come back to you on the 'disappearing filter ranges' issue, I took a look at this and although I found a couple of minor issues (which I have fixed in our working copy here), I couldn't provoke the kind of behaviour you describe.  I don't doubt it happens but I don't know how to make it happen, which means I cannot fix it.

I don't want to hold up the forthcoming maintenance release for this - we have a number of bug-fixes waiting to go out - so what I suggest is that you try again when you get that and see if the problem still manifests itself.  If it does, perhaps you can suggest what you did that might have caused it.

As an aside, you can eliminate the gap between tracks by dragging the green start-of-track marker to the right while holding down the shift key.  This is a lot easier than what you are currently doing, but does not preserve the gaps between the tracks.  We feel we should make it easier to mute the inter-track gaps while still preserving their lengths, but it is not top of the list, and in any case we're not quite sure how to work it in to the user interface.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Developer's note: These problems are all fixed in V7.01 and later.