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Time Scale for Horizontal Axis

Started by SDWitness, April 17, 2011, 02:00:00 AM

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It would be really, really, really nice to have a time scale along one of the horizontal axis (top or bottom) of the recording.  Audacity provides this for their track window and it is incredibly useful, particularly for navigating around the track when you're not quite sure what section you've just zoomed into, or when you need to get to a different part of the track quickly.  The current time displays for cursor position, selection start and end, and window start and end are indispensable, but the addition of a time scale along one of the axis would be much appreciated and used.

Also, it would be wonderful to be able to eliminate the leading zeros on the time displays.  Even though I'm an engineer and use leading zeros on certain occasions myself for clarity, in this case (for the track display) they simply make it more difficult for me to read.  Perhaps a Preference setting to turn them off or on so each user could decide for themselves?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)