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Playback at double speed

Started by PlanetOfSound, February 01, 2024, 07:23:40 PM

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Hi, when I record an vinyl album it records at normal speed, when I stop recording and play back, the recording plays at double the speed.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Is speed conversion (mistakenly) enabled in VinylStudio's Record window please?


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply.

I made sure it was unchecked and tried a number of times.


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


OK, thanks.  I that case, whenever this has happened in the past, it has turned out to be a problem with the ADC.  What is it please - some kind of USB device?


Hi Paul,

The USB lead comes directly from the back of the record player, a Lenco L-87.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

OK.  Do you have another computer you can test it with?  If not, I'd try returning or exchanging it, I don't believe this is a software issue.


I do have a much newer computer, I will try that and see if I get a different result.


I have had the same issue for months now. I've written to tech support but have never received a response.  This is very frustrating and makes using the software 50% useless.  Particularly when trying to split up a live record.  My albums are recorded through Audacity.  This did not happen until a few months ago. Nothing has changed with my PC.

Just discovered a workaround.   Play at 1/8 speed and it sounds just fine.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Sorry, we do respond to all enquiries, please check your SPAM folder.

Please try the following:

1.  Select 'WASAPI shared event driven' (or, failing that, 'MME / Wave') in the Host dropdown in VinylStudio's Change Playback Device dialog.

2.  Selecting 'WASAPI shared event driven' (or, failing that, MME / Wave) in the Host dropdown in VinylStudio's Check Level dialog.

From your description of the problem, #1 might be enough on its own, so try that first.


Your reply is eight months later!

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

That's because the ball was in your court and I heard nothing further from you 🤷�♂️