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What is the best media player for VinylStudio albums? MusicBee not working well...

Started by chobson, July 13, 2024, 03:01:39 AM

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VS works great and seamlessly to transfer my LPs to my computer hard drive. I use MusicBee to play and organize my MP3 files, but when I try to transfer a VS album into MusicBee I lose all of the metadata - the artist, album name, album cover image etc. Anybody know what I need to do to so I can use MusicBee and capture all of the information that VS stores? thx

OR - is there another music player that I should use instead of MusicBee to play and organize my MP3 files? thx again

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

So you're saving your tracks as MP3?  There should be no problem with that - just don't save them as WAV.

If you're still stuck, please send me a couple of tracks to look at:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk



I export to Foobar2000 on Windows and it's never had an issue. What you are describing almost sounds like what happens where there is a difference in expectation of the ID3 tag versions.

I have not used Musicbee before (though have certainly heard many highly praise it), but a quick search seems to indicate it does have some settings related to displaying different versions of ID3. Maybe it is set to only display a certain version and it's different than what Vinyl Studio is outputting.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Good call westrock.  VinylStudio currently supports ID3v2.3, we will look into supporting v2.4.  In the meantime, unchecking 'Save ID3 tags as Unicode' might help.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Hmmm, looked into this some more and everything is working fine for me, whatever MusicBee settings I use.

To progress this, I need those files.