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Cannot Save More Than 5-6 MP3 Files

Started by Indy33, August 02, 2024, 03:41:24 PM

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I record in DSF using different software called Korg AudioGate 4.6 . I can save files normally in DSF and Flac, but when I save to MP3 files I get an error saving anything more than 5 - 6 tracks from an album. I've tried this on two different DSF AudioGate files, same outcome.

I've tried saving several different versions of a MP3 file including CBR, VBR and ABR. I 've tried different bit rates, nothing effects the problem. Using VS 4.1.1

I don't see a dump file, what folder is it in? I thought is was the "Recording" folder.

Saving track: Border Song (3:20) - track not saved -
Saving track: The Greatest Discovery (4:10) - track not saved
Saving track: The Cage (3:28) - track not saved
Saving track: The King Must Die (5:06) - track not saved


I just noticed another problem that seems to be related. When I scan for clicks, it does not find any in the same tracks that it cannot save to MP3. I selected the last five tracks in the album and set the options shown below and it finds ZERO clicks. I know that's not right cause I can hear plenty of them.

Sensitivity: Turbo
PP: Off
BP: Off
Passes: 4
Keep existing Manual Repairs
Keep Repairs From Previous Scans


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Sorry, that's a known bug.  We will fix it in the next version, due out soon.


Ok, I must have missed the discussion on the this forum. I usually visit every day.


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Not sure if we've discussed this anywhere, tbh.  I think we learned about it via email.



Any chance this will be fixed in the next couple of weeks? Got lots of albums to process. :)

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Hope so, we're closing in on the next release.


I updated the VS 15.0.0 today and confirmed it in the Help pull down menu.

I still cannot save all tracks to a MP3 file. It saved the first 7 and failed on the last 4 tracks.

The other problem described above in post #1 seems to be fixed where it was not scanning for clicks in the same files that could not be saved to MP3.


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Thanks, I can confirm that is (still) a bug, sorry about that.

We will fix this in the next release, but in the meantime it only affects saving DSD to MP3, so if there's some other format you can save to I would use that.


Making any progress on this problem??


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

Hi, yes, sorry, we've got tangled up in something else.  We'll make a release soon.