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VinylStudio applying RIAA strange peak at 48kHz

Started by vinylschminyl, August 25, 2024, 08:17:55 PM

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Hey there,

New VinylStudio (Pro version) user here.

I am getting a strange peak around 48kHz after applying RIAA (standard preset and also tried a few customized curves). It's not audible (of course, being that high a freq), but I don't see the same peak after applying RIAA in Audacity, leading me to think something is not entirely correct in VinylStudio.

I am applying the RIAA curve to a 24/96 music file, recorded flat. Using VinylStudio Pro V15.0.0 on Windows 10 Home 64-bit.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Thanks for this, and yes, I agree, something doesn't look quite right.  That said, no way is -85dB at 48kHz going to be audible, so we're not going to prioritise this.

If it's bothering you, you might be able to get around it by adjusting the rightmost node(s) in the response curve associated with the filter.  Then save it as a preset.
