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Sound Quality

Started by Aston, February 28, 2025, 01:33:45 PM

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Hello, a first post with a problem!

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, probably as a new Vinyl Studio user, but the sound quality when I listen to my vinyl recordings just seem to be flat compared to listening to Radio Paradise or my digital recordings of CD's.

I'm using a NAD 533 (Rega 2 clone) with Goldring 1012GX cartridge with RB250 arm, through Behringer UFO202 (probably the weka link) into my MacBook Pro.  I'm waiting on delivery of a NAD Fono Mini A2D in the hope that that improves things.

When listening to the vinyl during recording through this set up on my headphones or streamed across to a Naim MuSo2 is sounds fine, so I'm wondering if it's something I'm doing during the clean up.  Which is generally scanning for clicks, then setting 'hum' to on and using the normalise to -1dB as I know there's an imbalance between the left and right channels from the cartridge which I've not been able to resolve. Recording to FLAC 16/44, I haven't changed anything else that I know of.

Playback is generally via the MacBook using Airplay to the MuSo 2.

Any observations/comments welcome. Thank you


How are you handling the RIAA equalization curve?

It sounds like the RIAA is not being applied on playback.

Can yoy play the file on your MacBook before processing in VS? How does it sound there?



TBH, I've just listened again to Chris Auberge both the original recording and the 'processed' recording, but listening through headphones on my Mac and it sounds great, so it maybe be something happening when sending the file across to the MuSo, maybe it's being squashed by Airplay? I've trying out a variety of players, mostly Plex/Plexamp and Pine Player and COG, I haven't decided what I prefer yet.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Given your second post, it sounds like VinylStudio is set up correctly.  It's hard to know what else might be wrong with your gear.

Andy Morris

I use a  Behringer UFO202, which I got after the USB output from my turntable went west.

While I don't claim to have golden ears, mine sounds fine to me. 

There is a little switch that changed the input to the preamp from phone to line. If you get that wrong it does sound ropey.