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Hiss filter not working?

Started by, July 06, 2013, 10:44:43 PM

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Hi, all
I am using Vinylstudio on a Macbook Pro, and am trying to use the hiss filter. I've defined a noise sample, set hiss reduction on, and then tried playing the track with all combinations of hiss reduction and quality, but I'm still hearing the buzz; I've attached the sound bite I'm using.

I'm also a little unclear about how the filter itself gets used when I then save the album sides into separate tracks. Am I right that there's nothing I need to do to activate the filter once I've created it and saved it as a preset?

Finally, as this buzz is in all of the recordings I've made (hundreds), I'd like to apply it as a batch feature when I create the tracks. How do I do this?


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


Firstly, check that the 'Toggle between original and corrected audio' button in the toolbar beneath the waveform display is enabled (it changes state when you click on it).  If it isn't, you will hear uncorrected audio.  Ensure alsoi that your sound sample is in an area where the noise is present.

If that doesn't work, could you send me a sound sample please?  Select about 30 seconds worth of audio in the Cleanup Audio window (including an area where these is noise but no music), the right-click and select 'Save selection as'.  Please save in ogg format to keepo the filesize down and email it to me at:

p DOT sanders AT alpinesoft DOT co DOT uk


There's no batch feature to apply filter settings but you can define a preset which speeds things up.

THanks for this - where do I find the toggle? When I went back in to the app after restarting, it seems the corrections may have been made and I'm a bit confused how this happened...

And in order to use this for subsequent albums, do I gather I have to first somehow set up the custom preset for each album, and then I can do the batch save of tracks and it just uses the preset at this point? If so, I guess I have to know how to set the preset/filter for each album. How do I do that?

I've already done the click repair for all of them.

Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


The toggle is a button in the toolbar beneath the waveform display in the Cleanu pAudio window.  Mouse over the buttons to see what they do.  You want the button to be 'pressed' (which it normally is).

As for the filter settings preset, you can save a preset for one album and use it for another.  You will need to visit the Filter Settings window for each album you want to process and select the preset from the dropdown.  That's all you need to do.  Your changes will be applied when you save your tracks.

I got your sound sample.  I will respond by email.

OK, got it.

So the sample I sent is corrected audio. And so I'm not sure why the buzz isn't removed...


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)

OK,  Can you send me some uncorrected audio please?  Ideally, the same segment.

This outdates the email I sent you - I didn't realise the sample was corrected.