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Where and in what format is the "raw recording"?

Started by pcocke, August 11, 2014, 03:04:23 AM

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Hi.  I have a new user question.

If I want to record an LP and then close Vinyl Studio prior to processing or splitting into individual files, do I need to save the recorded file?  Where is it stored and what is its format?  How do I open it upon returning to VS?


Paul Sanders (AlpineSoft)


VinylStudio keeps tracks of all your files for you.  To work on the album when you reopen VinylStudio, just select it from the dropdown list (the last album you were working on will be selected by default).

If you want to look at your raw recordings, open the Settings (Windows) / Preferences (Mac) window and click on the topmost Explore / View in Finder button.  This will open an Explorer / Finder window positioned to the folder where these are stored.