Cleanup Audio - Scan for Clips

Cleanup Audio - Scan for Clips

VinylStudio is capable of finding and fixing any clips in your recordings automatically. This works well for light clipping only. Although severe clips can be repaired, it doesn't usually help much.

To scan your recording, click on the Cleanup Audio tab if necessary and then click on the Scan for Clips button in the lower toolbar. This displays the following dialog:

You can either scan the entire file, or make a selection first (by clicking and dragging in the waveform display) and then scan (or re-scan) just that. The "Default settings" preset is what most people want.

Depending on the amount of clipping, scanning an LP side takes around 1 minute on a reasonably fast computer; less on modern hardware. Once the scan is complete, you can listen to the results and compare them with the original, uncorrected version by clicking on the button in the toolbar. All changes are non-destructive - they are stored in a separate file and your original recording is not changed - and you can undo the scan () if you don't like the results.