Using VinylStudio with the Graham Slee Accession Phono Preamp
The Graham Slee Accession phono preamp incorporates a specialised, user-selectable equalisation curve called CA/FLAT (CA standing for Constant Amplitude), which is designed to compensate for the rising output of magnetic cartridges due to their constant velocity characteristic. You can read more about this here:
and here:
If you want to record with this setting enabled, you have to apply a suitable inverse curve in software before you can do anything else. VinylStudio now incorporates such a curve as a predefined preset called 'Inverse Accession CA/FLAT'.
You can select this either at record time (in VinylStudio's Check Level dialog), or you can apply the curve later in the Equalisation Curves window. Either method will work, but doing it at record time has the advantage that you can set the recording level more accurately and the declicker works better. You also get to see the equalised signal in the waveform display. Please note that you need VinylStudio Pro to use this curve.
If you have a disc that uses something other than the standard RIAA curve, then you need to do the following:
- Check the 'Apply Inverse Accession CA/FLAT and Inverse RIAA first' box.
- Select the equalisation curve of your choice from the dropdown.
The fact that several steps are involved doesn't cost you anything, in terms of audio fidelity. VinylStudio applies the curves as a single composite curve.
We are grateful to Graham and his team for providing us with the details of this curve and a loan unit for testing. The curve is protected by patent, see:
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